Monday, April 27, 2009

Schenectady Symphony - Raffaele Ponti Conductor

On April 26, 2009, the Schenectady Symphony gave a concert with guest conductor Raffaele Ponti. Watching him leading the orchestra, the first time he had conducted this orchestra, was an exciting experience. He "danced" his role as a conductor; his body revealed what he expected the players in the various section of the orchestra to perform, i.e. play softer or louder, etc. His conducting wowed the audience who gave him a standing ovation. All the great conductors have a style of their own; some are very physical in their conducting, while others barely move their baton around to cue in the orchestra. Watching this conductor, you knew how and when he wanted the various sections of the orchestra to respond and they did. Even when the orchestra accompanied a soloist, his conducting was the focus of my eyes. Watching him move his body throughout the performance put me in mind of watching a balle or modern dance perform. I would go to see him perform whatever he played know that he evoked from the orchestra their best effort.

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