Monday, May 25, 2009

On Sunday, May 24,2009, the Times Union printed photos and an article in the Unwind section of their Sunday editor entitled, "LIFE DANCING WITH THE CALABRIAS:HOOFING TOGETHER FOR 53 YEARS AND GOING STRONG." The picture was an "in your face" photo which showed Angela and I in a dance pose. We knew that the article and the photo's would appear on this date but did not know how it would be presented. We loved the article but not the photos though readers of the article liked both the article and the photos. We were pleased with the article - the result of a three and a half hour interview done at our home - the reporter, Brian Ettkin - wrote a fine article from the interview. How this article and the photos came about is a story by itself.

Several month's earlier, Angela and I offered to teach four classes in social dancing to raise money for the Unitarian-Universalist Church fund drive. We were able to raise $320.

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