Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sinatra: Creative Force in Popular Culture

Over several decades, Frank Sinatra attracted attention as a show business icon in the popular media, second to no other performer of popular songs in American popular culture. From the time he began his singing career with the Modernairs, in the Tommy Dorsey Band - his records remained at the top of the best selling list. Just as Ella Fitzerald was early acknowledged as the greatest female vocalist of popular songs, Sinatra stood alongside her as the greatest male vocalist of popular music. When they sang together, audiences were, indeed, in for a treat. He sang duets with all the greatest vocalist of his day, both male and female. His duets with Dean Martin as well as with Peggy Lee were show stoppers. When he partnered with Sammy Davis Junior, in a tap dance, their performance drew loud applause.
Sinatra sang from the heart and made each listener feel he was singing directly to them. He was was not above taking liberties with the lyrics of a song or by his form of delivery which gained him immediate rapport with his audience.
Aside from his unique singing ability, he was a first rate actor. His performance in the film, "From Here To Eternity," earned him an Academy Award. Singer, dancer, actor, Sinatra was a consummate artist.

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