Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Judy Garland: America's Greatest Popular Entertainer

This evening, I was fortunate in viewing a program on T.V. entitled: JUDY GARLAND: BY MYSELF. Over the years, I have listened to Judy singing some of her signature songs,"You Made Me Love You." and "Over The Rainbow." Of course, I have seen "The Wizard of Oz" any number of times. In tonights program, I was able to trace her earliest life till the time she died when she was seventy four. Her life was filled with many joys and many sorrows.
Her joys resulted in sharing her many talents in films. Her greatest joys came late in life when she was able to spend time with her children who she loved deeply. It was also during her later years, when she performed for life audiences, on stage, that she knew how much people loved her. After each song, they gave her resounding applause. Whatever she did, it was with her whole heart. Whenever I hear her sing, I have the feeling that she is singing for me and sharing what she feels.
Her sorrows resulted from the greedy men in show business who exploited her talent, regardless of the cost to her health and well being. Even in her personal life, men treated her badly. She resorted to taking drugs and even, at one point, attempted to taking her own life.
Knowing more about her life through this broadcast, has given me a new sense of appreciation for Judy Garland who was, and is, an Anerican icon, someone who will live in the lives of Americans as long as her songs are heard. If you haven't seen one of her many films where she popularized her songs, give yourself a treat.

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